From http://www.maybank2u.com.my/
Phishing Conspiracy!
Don’t click on attachments or website links contained in emails leading to Maybank2u.com. It could be a scam.
Security Alert (26/05/2010)Security Alert
Please continue to be alert against any emails requesting you to update your particulars or apply for TAC or log in to Maybank2u through any email link. Our URL is http://www.maybank2u.com.my and you should be suspicious of any e-mail that informs you otherwise.
Maybank does not send out any e-mail or SMS requesting customers to provide personal banking ID or PIN or credit card information. Please do not log in through website links contained in emails supposedly from Maybank or other institutions. Be alert or you may fall victim to a financial scam.
Here's a sample of how you can identify a phishing scam.
Please note that this email was not sent from Maybank / Maybank2u.com
To check the authenticity of the link, mouse over the link to see the URL at the status bar located at the bottom of your browser.
Notice that the URL link to M2U does not direct to http://www.maybank2u.com.my but instead takes you to a phishing site.
Beware of phishing scams
Protect yourself from identity theft. Read our Police alert to learn more.
If you suspect that you have been tricked into giving your ID and Password at a fake website, change your password immediately by directly logging in through http://www.maybank2u.com.my. Report Phishing websites or email immediately
Scam email (Updated: 22 February 2011)