If you miss the sign by the road side, you will miss the restaurant.
There is no sign board on the building itself.
The food... Marmite pork ribs
Stir fried french bean.
Deep fried fish with cucumbers, onions and red chillies.
Overall, it was worth the long drive to Semenyih.
Click map for location.
marmite pork and the deep fried fish is their famous dish. the food in semenyih is worth the money you pay for. check out few more nearby restaurant!
The fish, according to my mum was too dry yesterday. Previously when she ate there, it had more 'gravy'. But it was still nice. ^-^
Oooo...it is aunty who brought you all there. A hidden foody indeed
Yeaa my mum knows more "unknown to me" places to eat than me. :-D
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