Sunday, July 13, 2008

RSS (Rich Site Summary) In Church

First lets find our what is RSS. What is RSS? (From

RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.

Why RSS? Benefits and Reasons for using RSS
RSS solves a problem for people who regularly use the web. It allows you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in. You save time by not needing to visit each site individually. You ensure your privacy, by not needing to join each site's email newsletter. The number of sites offering RSS feeds is growing rapidly and includes big names like Yahoo News.

This is the RSS logo.

... and this is Stephanie's spectacles.

See the resemblance? Steph's RSS specs has more curves in it. She must be getting live feeds from heaven when she wears her specs.


joshua said...

good one but the crucial 'dot' is missing...hehe

Anonymous said...

Wow Daniel,

U muzzz b super-super observant!
Pretty sharp!
U passed the test for bad vision! Can see 'other stuffs's well?
(referin 2 Amber Court comments-chuckle-chuckle)

richrach said...

itu pun u boleh think of... [-(
u ? Got RSS from heaven or not?

d'Lion said...

We need to ask aunt Stephanie if she uses RSS to get updated inform from heaven.