Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pick Up After Myself

From booklet "If I really wanted to SIMPLIFY MY LIFE, I would..." by Advantage Quest Publications (page 102-103).

Pick Up After Myself

Some people actually enjoy housecleaning [I am not one of them], but for most of us it's an arduous and time consuming chore. It will seem a lot less intimidating, however, if you tackle it by the inch rather by the mile. [In our case in Malaysia.... by the cm rather than the km.]

You can do that with a discipline as simple as picking up after yourself. Rinse off dishes and place them in the dishwasher. [Most of us do not have dishwashers, "we" are the dishwasher] as soon as you are finished with them. Undress in the closet where you can hang up your clothes as you take them off. Place dirty clothing directly into the hamper. [Not the gift hamper] Put things back where you found them, and don't start projects you don't have the energy to clean up.

Clean a little now or a lot later. It's up to you.


sharonsb said...

can't undress in the closet - too small. will get stuck....!

d'Lion said...

LOL. We too can't undress in the closet, we will just mess it up and that is not simplifying my life, its messing it up.