Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Keropok Lekor

I like to eat keropok lekor, and after reading this report on The Star Online, I know know what to look for in the keropok lekor. You can now find this keropok not only in Terengganu but even here in the Klang Valley.

Giving keropok a bad name (The Star Online)
Notice how your keropok lekor swells up in the frying pan but shrivels minutes after reaching your plate? The secret of keropok lekor that does not shrivel once it is out of the pan: better quality fish, and higher fish content. In short, high protein content. This is a rarity these days.

What is keropok lekor, from marimari...
Keropok Lekor / Keping
A popular and the most visible fried snack in Terengganu, the keropok is made of fish meat, ground to a paste, and mixed with sago. Coming in two main different forms, the long chewy ones are called 'lekor', while the thin, crispy ones are called 'keping'. Keropok is best eaten hot with its special chili dip.

From Wikipedia...

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